Sedo Domain Sales Report from January 7 to January 13, 2019

Sedo Domain Sales Report from January 7 to January 13, 2019

Domain sales reported between 7th and 13th of January 2019 from Sedo’s marketplace  feature 62 transactions above 2,000$. The top of the list was for the three-letter domain, which was sold out for 70,000$ by Dave Evanson.

We continue to bring to our readers the latest development on domain market. This week transactions were dominated from .com domain sales.

The .COM Domain Sales

This week’s chart includes 41 .COM domain transactions above 2,000$. It looks good in comparison to the average of 32 domain sales per week from the 3-week holiday list.

The leading transaction, domain is followed by five other 5-figure sales. The second place in the .COM section goes to the 4-letter domain sold at the price of 40,000$. After that come domain sales of: at only 15,000EUR, selling for 12,000GBP, for 15,000$ and at the price of 12,000EUR.

No special trend to report for the .COM domains this week. Instead, we can find some good pronounceable, 3- and 4-letter, word domains in this report.


The ccTLD Domain Section

The week’s biggest ccTLD domain sale is at 27,300EUR. Next coming, are 5-figure transactions of German domains and, each for the amount of 10,000EUR. The ccTLD section follows with selling at 5,800EUR, at 4,999EUR and for 5,385$. The ending of this section of the chart is also interesting. Single-word domain transactions, of:, and, each for the price of 2,000EUR; are present.

For this week, leaders sort out in the following order: .de with 4 listings, .fr with 3 listings, .cn with 2 listings and single entries for .ch,, .es, .no and .se.

In all, there are 14 ccTLD domain sales above 2,000$. It is a good volume in comparison to previous weeks.


The Other TLD’s Section

In section the Other, the domain market closed with only 7 transactions above 2,000$. Not that plausible, still not bad when compared to the average of 5 per week from the last merged report.

The .net-s lead in volume with three domain sales, followed by .org and new gTLD with two domain sales respectively.

The big surprise of this area of the chart is the new gTLD It ranks first of the section and is also the only 5-figure sale for the Other. The new gTLD domain,, sold at the great price of 19,000$.